Red Flags When Dating: Let’s Not Be Crazy
Welcome to this week’s Blonde Intelligence with me Ms. Roni, where I always seek to give you exquisite cranial repertoire. This week I want to touch on emotional abuse and signs to watch out for when dating.
When people think of abuse they commonly think of physical abuse and verbal abuse, but emotional abuse precedes and are a part of both physical and verbal abuse. A perpetrator of emotional abuse can be a parent, spouse, romantic partner, and co-worker/supervisor, or even a child. According to Psychology Today, emotional abuse is gradual and subtle that slowly damages the victim’s confidence and self-esteem in which the recovery period is longer than physical violence. Recently I did a podcast on dating after divorce and one of the points one of the panelists made was, when dating you have to be discerning and look at red flags because the dating scene has changed. Also, you have to be decerning about who you introduce to your children.
While reading the article, The Truth About Abusers and What To Do, it says despite the fact the person is expressing love and affection, some red flags of a potential abuser are unwilling to compromise, outburst of anger, rude, critical of you and or family (including children), jealous, possessive, paranoid, and threats. The article also stated that physical violence often does not begin until after marriage or childbirth when its harder to leave.