Opinion: Governor Gavin Newsom claims no power outages happened Tuesday, he’s wrong | Lashaun Turner | NewsBreak Original
Gavin Newsom tweeted “we avoided emergency power outages,” when there were power cuts and outages throughout the state.
Newsweek reported 37,300 customers were without power as of 2:39 a.m. local time (5:39 a.m. ET) on Tuesday across the state. And also, Pacific Gas and Electric Company saw the largest number of customers without power. An estimated 17,910 of its 5.5 million customers were without power.
It was also reported that Southern California Edison had nearly 6,800 of its 3.4 million customers cut off. I happen to be an SCE customer and at 9:44pm PST. the lights went off.
On September 6, Tuesday at 5:48pm our phones went off utilizing the emergency broadcast system with the following alert:
Conserve energy now to protect public health and safety. Extreme heat is straining the state energy grid. Power interruptions may occur unless you take action. Turn off or reduce non-essential power if health allows, now until 9pm.-CalOES,
And then at 9:44 pm our lights went off and stayed off for 3 hours. Many areas in the Inland Empire were also without power including Murrieta, Eastvale, Palm Springs, Calimesa, and unincorporated areas of Riverside County. These outages had been occurring and according to SCE’s power outage maps, they had been occurring all throughout the day.
Replying to the Governors tweet many Twitter users opined about the outages and the Governors green climate goals he announced just last week banning the sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2035, 13 years from now. How with such a weak power grid would we be expected to have electric vehicles?
No you’re wrong. We did NOT avoid power outages. Almaden (San Jose) yesterday out from 5:30–1am. Today AGAIN 4:30–10:20pm. We’ve had 11 power outages in the past 6mo.We’ve got the 2nd highest electric rates in the nation -but we’re 3rd world when it comes to providing electricity-Twitter
Yeah — 5th largest economy in the world and we can’t keep the lights on — good job boss. Let’s all go electric, that will help-Twitter
I’m all for moving to electric with the best interest of our environment in mind, but how are we supposed to sustain having electric vehicles when our current energy grid is hanging on by a thread with these types of heat waves that can possibly get worse as time goes on? -Twitter
How we all can have electric cars and charge them all together overnight with such weak power grid which can’t support running AC in every house?!-Twitter
Like many Southern Californians I too am scratching my head on why our power grid is so poor after all the taxes we pay. No water, no power, and like one Twitter user wrote “it kind of sucks to live in Cali”.
I would at least hope that the Governor would have some facts before he tweets everything is okay when it is not. Maybe he isn’t affected where he is but some of us are.
Meanwhile, Californians keep your flashlights with good batteries, keep extra batteries. Keep some rations on hand that don’t require electricity to be cooked and eaten. Make sure your phones have a decent charge.
I would say charge your EV, but that’s a big no-no. However it is important is to make sure you have a tank full of gas, if you can afford it, because you might have to get in your car and drive towards the light. You could be in for a long ride!
This has been my JADED opinion, leave yours in the comments below!
Originally published at https://original.newsbreak.com.