Lying, Liars, and Manipulation: Fish Don’t Burn In the Kitchen and Beans Don’t Burn On the Grill
Welcome to this week’s Blonde Intelligence with me, Ms. Roni, where I always seek to give you exquisite cranial repertoire. I hope everyone that celebrated Thanksgiving had a lovely as could possibly be holiday. This week I want to speak about lying, liars, and manipulation. I recently did an interview with a music industry professional and he spoke of being taken advantage of early in his career. This led me to speak about the signs of manipulation and lying to help someone, including myself, avoid being taken advantage of in this thing that we call business.
I want to start by explaining the second part of the title of the blog. I am sure you are wondering what lying, liars, and manipulation has to do with fish and beans…I will explain, just hold on. According to Farr (2020) in Ja’Net DuBois’ composition of “Moving On Up”, the theme song to the Jefferson’s, the lyrics “…Fish don’t burn in the kitchen and beans don’t burn on the grill” is a comparison between her old life and her new life. That in her new life she did not have to eat inexpensive foods with not always an alluring aroma AND do all of the cooking as she did in her old life.
Lying is a person not telling the truth and a liar is the person that is doing the act of not telling the truth. We all know that…right? Manipulation is an extension of that ballgame. Lying is the primary tool manipulative people use to continue living a hidden life (Brenner, 2016).