Is Kamala Harris the worst Vice President in our lifetime? | Lashaun Turner | NewsBreak Original
I will give a disclaimer right off the bat, I did vote for Biden/Harris, and I’m here to admit I surely regret it!
Recent Headlines about Kamala Harris
Exasperation and dysfunction: Inside Kamala Harris’ frustrating start as vice president- CNN
Kamala Harris is a very weird person- New York Post
The Collapse of Kamala Harris- National Review
JADED Opinion
I would describe myself as an independent and as many of you know I proclaim to belong to the “Make Some GD Sense Party”.
To be honest, I have never liked either Biden or Harris but like so many in 2020, felt they were the best of two bad choices.
Kamala Harris is the first female vice president and the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history, as well as the first Person of Color African American and first Asian American vice president.-Wiki
So, as they say she checked a few boxes NOT based on her overwhelming knowledge and accomplishments in politics /government, but because it can be said we have a black woman as Vice President.
Since taking office the Biden/Harris administration have come under great criticism for the lack of connectivity with the American people and the issues that are of concern to the average citizen.
Kamala’s performance has been especially dismal and as many of the headlines about her are starting to reflect- she is becoming a laughing joke openly, even in some of the outlets that propped her up to begin with.
As an ADOS, Black woman myself, no sugar no cream, born and raised in California. I don’t particularly relate to Kamala, and I don’t think Kamala’s life experiences are relatable to a lot of black women. That’s just my opinion of course.
Without going down the whole is she “black enough” rabbit hole I will just say If I were the V.P I would be carrying out my role in a completely different posture.
Kamala absolutely has been given lemons, but if it were me, I’d stand up and start pointing fingers, rolling my neck, raising my voice and making some lemonade-ish happen.
The border, the American people simply need and want what the law allows and that is for legal immigration and security at our borders.
That is something that can be addressed to the satisfaction of Americans if they would just reinstate policies that had already been proven to be fair and that worked.
She could own a win here but seems more to be treating it like a hot potato plague staying as far away as possible literally and figuratively.
Kamala was put out here to pander for our votes, but this Administration has done little if anything that aligns with the campaign rhetoric directed at the Black community. No follow up on the contract with Black America, no movement on HR 40 and other issues.
As many are openly saying, she doesn’t seem to be a qualified leader, speaker, doer, or thinker. In other words, maybe she just isn’t qualified to do the job.
Unfortunately, that won’t keep her from succeeding Biden should he not make it through his presidency, which the real likelihood of that happening is high.
The thought of Kamala as President is cringe-worthy! Poll numbers may get even worse as she remains MIA .
This has solely been my JADED opinion. You are welcome to yours in the comments below.
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