Discover 5 States Black Californians are Moving to in 2021
The Black Californian exodus continues. The main reasons many seem to be fleeing are the high cost of housing and high taxes. The political culture is also a big reason people consider leaving.
As you might have heard, people are moving out of California in droves! But where are they moving to? This video shares what states Black Californians are leaving to and some of the many reasons why.
According to 2019 U.S. Census Bureau estimates, those identified solely as African American or black constituted 5.8% or 2,282,144 residents in California. Including an additional who identified has having partial African ancestry, the figure was 7.0% (2.8 million residents).
The Black community is prevalent in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, and Solano Counties in the San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento County, and San Joaquin County. In Southern California, the population is concentrated in Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County and San Diego County.
5 States Black Californians are Moving to