Commission says traffic will choke the highway system & force residents to walk, bike, bus. | Lashaun Turner | NewsBreak Original
The Riverside County Transportation Commission says California hopes to push residents to switch from driving.
In 2020 California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) issued a first in the nation executive order outlawing the sale of gas-powered vehicles in California by 2035.
The executive order directs state agencies to develop strategies for an integrated, statewide rail and transit network, and incorporate safe and accessible infrastructure into projects to support bicycle and pedestrian options, particularly in low-income and disadvantaged communities. -Source
While most are favorable of the overall goals of climate initiatives, some are expressing doubt over the practicality of achieving an interconnected mass transportation system throughout the landscape of California within the allotted timeframe, if ever, without the proper local funding to add alternate systems.
For commuters there would need to be intricate transportation systems that are local, accessible, on time and high speed or else those who live in the Inland Empire but work in Los Angeles or Orange County will face challenges getting to work.
Looking at the current plans they call in to question the effects on different classes of income earners. For high wage earners they would most likely be able to purchase Electric Vehicles. Low-income area’s would see an increase in bicycle access and walking options.
Legislators surmise that Electric Vehicles may be less expensive by 2035 and that there may be used Electric Vehicles for sale that low-income earners may be able to afford.
As of November 2021, the average price of an electric car hovered around $56,000, up nearly 6.2% from the year before, according to data from Kelley Blue Book. The price of an electric car is about $10,000 more than the industry average of $46,329. Source
Social Media users chime in:
@bearzus feedback- This is the way you want it. Crushing us with aging roadways, and high gas prices, trying to force us out of driving. Meanwhile the elites, politicians and the wealthy will always be able to drive as they wish. Build the roads & highways. Quit wasting our infrastructure taxes. Twitter
@LeatherJoseph commented — Never. Are you out of your mind. Let’s see you take all your tools and supplies on a bicycle or a bus. And trains and buses don’t go anywhere near your job site.How’s a Gardener going to take their lawnmower on a Bus Get real? Just take the bus is so Out of touch -Twitter
@blueskies6123 feedback- These are suggestions from ppl who live in academia, large cities like NYC,the elite who have drivers, flexible schedules and nannies. If not they wld know just how stupid these designs are. Ya still have to get to train stations, subway systems & ubers. Cost? They have no idea- Twitter
The Riverside Transportation Commission also says as policymakers discuss measures to align and advance transportation with climate goals local tax-payer supported funding that builds and maintains roads and highways could be diverted towards the state infrastructure for mass transit, something the Commission is opposed to.
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