Cali.FM content is now available on Google News
Cali.FM blog content has been approved to appear in Google News and it’s proprietary imprints. Google News is a news aggregator service developed by Google. It presents a continuous flow of articles organized from thousands of publishers and magazines. Google News organizes what’s happening in the world to help you learn more about the stories that matter to you. Google News is available as an app on Android, iOS, and the Web.
Cali.FM is a fully licensed digital platform headquartered in Southern California streaming radio worldwide. Sharing the voices, music, & news, from urban communities & more. REAL MUSIC, REAL TALK. Cali.FM is also a Google VERIFIED Business.
Our content sections are LIVE right now on Google News and are also pending Flipboard & Apple News inclusion as well. The sections live are: California News, Celebrity A&R, The Daily Blackness, Business, and Other News including Op-ED.. Contributors to Cali.FM content and radio are :
Lashaun Turner Owner/Program Director/Editor
JADED: Journalism with a Touch of Shade —
IG Official_Cali.FM Twitter@MsLashaunTurner Twitter@CalisBestRadio FB: @CalisBestRadio
(Blogger) Ms Roni. @blonde.intelligence — Blonde