Anthony McClain shot while running from Pasadena police; Are they trained to shoot people because they’re running? away?
Traffic stop, passenger jumps out starts running AWAY, officer shoots him. Says he had a gun. See the thing is people are arming themselves because of the times we are living in.People have guns for protection and not necessarily to do crime with . EVEN if he did have a gun he wasn’t threatening anyone with it. In my opinion YOU DON”T GET TO USE LETHAL FORCE. I’m sure they will bring up his record and past etc and paint him as a person who deserved to be shot. But, no matter all that- you cannot justify shooting people just to make them stop running WHEN NO CRIME HAS OCCURRED. That’s what i see in alot of these incidents- cops lazy or otherwise shooting instead of running or calling for back up if you suspect the person is a SUSPECT. In this edited video they are showing it doesn’t appear to be any move that looked like the guy was a threat to the officer that shot him. Tired of these scenario’s. Read More at Pasadena Star News