A white Florida couple SHOT at two Black men AND a CHILD who were dropping off a U-Haul van
Charles McMillon Jr., his 10-year-old son and Kendrick Clemons were sitting in McMillon’s truck after dropping off a U-Haul van at the rental location in Tallahassee Thursday night when a gunshot was fired. The two looked behind them and saw an older couple approaching the truck shouting for the men to surrender .
McMillon, after realizing they were being shot at slammed the vehicle into reverse and sped off as more bullets rang out over the parking lot.“It was a life-threatening situation,” McMillon said. “I didn’t even know where I was going. I had my head down and I was making sure my son was covered. And I just pushed the gas to the floor.”
Luckily a police officer was also in the parking lot at the time and saw McMillon and Clemons arrive, adding in a report that “their actions were normal” and that they had done nothing unusual.
The shooters, Wallace Fountain, 77, and his wife, Beverly Fountain, 72, own the strip mall and had been having problems with people stealing gas and wanted to scare off any culprits. But these black men were not “culprits” and they expressed it felt racially motivated.
“Wallace stated he fired his Glock 19 in the air, possibly four times,” the report states. “He did not wish to cause harm, only scare the individuals who they suspected to be stealing gasoline.” Beverly Fountain told cops she fired her .357 Magnum twice.