17 yr old Black Teen Devin Carter Stockton Police Brutality Body Cam Footage: Graphic Warning
Devin Carter, was left with bruises on both eyes as well as scratches on his face and back after he was arrested following a Dec. 30, 2020, traffic stop. The family has filed a Federal Lawsuit.
The Lawyer John Burris said the officers acted like a “pack of wolves and “without any provocation or cause, pulled the young black man from his car and viciously beat him.”
“Devin Carter immediately curled up in a fetal position as multiple officers gathered around him and viciously beat him with their closed fist and feet,” it says. “Devin Carter was kneed in his face by an officer and was struck in the face a number of times. Additionally, Devin Carter was kicked and kneed in his side and back.”
Photo URL ABC10
Devin Carter Stockton Police Body-Cam Footage-video
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